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白雪公主與獵人2劇情介紹  《白雪公主與獵人2》被定義為《白雪公主與獵人》的前傳,將由新導演弗蘭克•德拉邦執導。新導演也將把續集帶入新的風格、新的方向。影片將聚焦于“獵人”The Huntsman與“王后”雷雯娜在遇到“白雪公主”之前的故事,將以“獵人”為主角而展開,而與白雪公主則沒有多少聯系了。“獵人”與“王后”將繼續由克里斯•海姆斯沃斯、查理茲•塞隆演繹,而憑借《魔法黑森林》而積攢不少人氣的艾米莉-布朗特,將加盟此劇,并飾演一個反派角色。有人推測是王后的妹妹。而第一部中主角的“白雪公主”克里斯汀•斯圖爾特則確定將不會回歸。與同為白雪公主系列電影《魔鏡魔鏡》想比:《白雪公主與獵人2》將暗色調的史詩風格風格代替唯美童趣風格。白雪公主的故事充滿夢幻,讓我們帶著夢幻的心境等待這部佳作的上映吧。 白雪公主與獵人2預告片
    白雪公主與獵人2中文預告片   02:28   白雪公主與獵人2中文預告片 白雪公主與獵人2預告片前瞻   00:14   白雪公主與獵人2預告片前瞻 白雪公主與獵人2預告片   02:40   白雪公主與獵人2預告片 白雪公主與獵人2經典臺詞


    本頁不僅整理收錄白雪公主與獵人2經典臺詞(經典語錄對白),還包括白雪公主與獵人2經典片段橋段之類的內容,都是精挑細選的句子獨白,非常贊值得分享! 魔鏡,魔鏡,告訴我,誰是這世上最有權勢的人?如果這個童話故事是你心之所盼,還有更多意想不到的事等著你。——《白雪公主與獵人2》 你們會接受訓練,你們會日益強悍,你們會成為我的獵人,這塊魔鏡的力量就是終極的獎賞。——《白雪公主與獵人2》 在這場強強之戰中,誰拿到這塊魔鏡就會勢不可擋。——《白雪公主與獵人2》 點擊查看更多>> 白雪公主與獵人2影評


    魔鬼代言人演的挺好的 賽隆美cry!!錘哥還是錘哥… 看著還不錯,好萊塢就是厲害,國人加油 白雪公主與獵人2主題曲
      Castle - Halsey(白雪公主與獵人2插曲) 【查看歌詞】  點擊試聽

       Castle - Halsey

      Sick of all these people talking,
      sick of all this noise
      Tired of all these cameras flashing,
      sick of being poised
      And now my neck is open wide,
      begging for a fist around it
      Already choking on my pride,
      so there's no use crying about it
      I'm headed straight for the castle
      They wanna make me their queen
      And there's an old man sitting on the throne
      that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
      I'm headed straight for the castle
      They’ve got the kingdom locked up
      And there's an old man sitting on the throne
      that's saying I should probably
      keep my pretty mouth shut
      Straight for the castle
      Oh, all these minutes passing,
      sick of feeling used
      If you wanna break these walls down,
      you’re gonna get bruised
      And now my neck is open wide,
      begging for a fist around it
      Already choking on my pride,
      so there's no use crying about it
      I'm headed straight for the castle
      They wanna make me their queen
      And there's an old man sitting on the throne
      that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
      I'm headed straight for the castle
      They’ve got the kingdom locked up
      And there's an old man sitting on the throne
      that's saying I should probably
      keep my pretty mouth shut
      Straight for the castle
      There's no use crying about it
      There's no use crying about it
      There's no use crying about it
      There's no use crying about it
      I'm headed straight for the castle
      They wanna make me their queen
      And there's an old man sitting on the throne
      that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
      I'm headed straight for the castle
      They’ve got the kingdom locked up
      And there's an old man sitting on the throne
      that's saying I should probably
      keep my pretty mouth shut
      I'm headed straight for the castle
      They wanna make me their queen
      And there's an old man sitting on the throne
      that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean
      I'm headed straight for the castle
      They’ve got the kingdom locked up
      And there's an old man sitting on the throne
      that's saying I should probably
      keep my pretty mouth shut
      Straight for the castle 白雪公主與獵人2劇照 白雪公主與獵人2海報
        白雪公主與獵人2劇照 白雪公主與獵人2劇照 白雪公主與獵人2劇照 白雪公主與獵人2劇照 白雪公主與獵人2劇照


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