
最后的黑膠唱片店 Sound It Out:暂无 (您可以嘗試在下方寫下對應集數的評論!)

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《最后的黑膠唱片店 Sound It Out暂无》劇情介紹:

最后的黑膠唱片店的劇情簡介   SOUND IT OUT is a documentary portrait of the very last surviving vinyl record shop in Teesside, in the North East of England. Starring Tom, Kelly, David, Daniel, 70,000 records and the good people of Teesside. A distinctive, funny and intimate film about men, obsession and the irreplaceable role music plays in our lives. High Fidelity with a Northern Accent. 最后的黑膠唱片店的圖片 ( 全部39| 添加圖片 )


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