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M先生 M:暂无 (您可以嘗試在下方寫下對應集數的評論!)

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《M先生 M暂无》劇情介紹:

M先生的劇情簡介   Filmed in Yiddish, M is a journey to the heart of Bnei Brak, world capital of the Haredim, the ultra-Orthodox Jews, “God-fearing” in Hebrew. This is where Menahem Lang grew up. He was known for his kindness, his commitment to Talmud school and especially his golden voice, which made him a renowned performer of liturgical chants. At the age of twenty, however, he broke with this... (展開全部)   Filmed in Yiddish, M is a journey to the heart of Bnei Brak, world capital of the Haredim, the ultra-Orthodox Jews, “God-fearing” in Hebrew. This is where Menahem Lang grew up. He was known for his kindness, his commitment to Talmud school and especially his golden voice, which made him a renowned performer of liturgical chants. At the age of twenty, however, he broke with this pious life and moves to Tel Aviv, for the child with the bright smile was hiding a secret: for years, he was raped by members of the community that worshipped him. Menahem succeeds in opening the door to this forbidden world. This return to the scene of the crime is also a return to the places he loved, a path of initiation sprinkled with incredible encounters, recovered rituals, a reconciliation. As though drawn towards a magnet, those who experienced the same ordeal as him reveal themselves and dare to speak, driving away the haunting of the “galgal”, the vicious circle that has transformed victims of rape into rapists since the dawn of time. M先生的演職員 ( 全部 1 )
  • 尤朗德祖貝爾曼 導演
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