
《臉書:破解代碼 Facebook: Cracking the Code暂无》劇情介紹:

臉書:破解代碼的劇情簡介   Facebook is an enormously powerful corporation, harnessing both the self-disclosed and gleaned personal data of almost 2 billion people. Its user-base is larger than the population of any country. The company is all pervasive>   Facebook is an enormously powerful corporation, harnessing both the self-disclosed and gleaned personal data of almost 2 billion people. Its user-base is larger than the population of any country. The company is all pervasive>臉書:破解代碼的影人 ( 全部 2 )
  • 馬克扎克伯格
  • 劉強東
臉書:破解代碼的圖片 ( 全部2|添加圖片 )


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