
兩個世界的分界線 Between Two Worlds:暂无 (您可以嘗試在下方寫下對應集數的評論!)

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《兩個世界的分界線 Between Two Worlds暂无》劇情介紹:

兩個世界的分界線的劇情簡介   http://tv.toggle.sg/zh/channelu/shows/between-two-worlds/info
  Between Two Worlds - EP1
  The Gurkhas play a key role in the internal security of Singapore. They serve and live in Singapore for 20 over years, with many of their children born and brought up in Singapore. They are about 45 years old when they retire and they have to repatriate to Nepal together with their famili... (展開全部)   http://tv.toggle.sg/zh/channelu/shows/between-two-worlds/info
  Between Two Worlds - EP1
  The Gurkhas play a key role in the internal security of Singapore. They serve and live in Singapore for 20 over years, with many of their children born and brought up in Singapore. They are about 45 years old when they retire and they have to repatriate to Nepal together with their families. Leaving a country that they have come to regard as home, where is home truly? 辜加警察為新加坡的和平與治安奉獻了他們的青春。他們在新加坡生活20多年,孩子甚至在新加坡土生土長。然而,在45歲退休后,他們必須帶著一家離開新加坡。對于這些來自尼泊爾的“新加坡人”來說,究竟哪里是家?
  Between Two Worlds - EP2
  Gibraltar is located at the southern tip of the Spanish Iberian peninsula, but has a long love-hate relationship with Spain, being ruled by Spain for about 300 years prior becoming a British overseas territory. Gibraltarians speak Spanish in their daily life but have their heart and soul rooted in Britishness, what exactly is their identity? With the imminent Brexit, Spain-Gibraltar border is again subjected to instability. 位于西班牙最南端的直布羅陀,和西班牙有一段剪不斷理還亂的愛恨情仇。直布羅陀曾被西班牙統治近300年,卻是英國的海外領土之一。人們日常生活里習慣用西班牙語,卻把一切附屬于英國,究竟他們的身份認同是什么?面對英國即將脫離歐盟,邊境再度面臨更多約束,直布羅陀人在去留之間又抱著怎樣的心態?
  Between Two Worlds - EP3
  There is a village floating in Cambodia's Tongle Sap Lake consist of Vietnamese decedents. They live all their life in small floating boats under poverty and distress. Although their ancestor moved to Tongle Sap during the French colony and had been here for generations, the boat people are not allowed to live href="https://img3.doubanio.com/f/verify/16c7e943aee3b1dc6d65f600fcc0f6d62db7dfb4/entry_creator/dist/author_subject/style.css"> 兩個世界的分界線的圖片 ( 添加視頻評論|圖片1添加 ) 發起新的討論 討論區 ( 全部 ) 最新 熱門 1集 2集 3集 4集 5集 6集 7集 … 8集 9集 10集 11集 12集 13集 (還沒有討論, 來做第一個 ) (還沒有討論, 來做第一個 )























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