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《服從巨人 Obey Giant暂无》劇情介紹:

服從巨人的劇情簡介   The documentary follows "the life and work of artist Shepard Fairey, going deep into the world of street art and its role in politics and pop culture. Obey Giant follows Fairey's rise from his roots in punk rock and skateboarding, to his role as>   The documentary follows "the life and work of artist Shepard Fairey, going deep into the world of street art and its role in politics and pop culture. Obey Giant follows Fairey's rise from his roots in punk rock and skateboarding, to his role as>服從巨人的影人 ( 全部 2 )
  • James Moll 導演
  • 勞拉貝莉
服從巨人的圖片 ( 添加視頻評論|圖片1添加 )


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