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扎馬 Zama:暂无 (您可以嘗試在下方寫下對應集數的評論!)

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《扎馬 Zama暂无》劇情介紹:

扎馬的劇情簡介   Zama, an officer of the Spanish Crown born in South America, waits for a letter from the King granting him transfer to a better location. His situation is delicate. He must ensure that nothing overshadows his transfer. He is forced to accept submissively every task entrusted to him by successive Governors who come and go as he stays. Of course, the letter from the King never ar... (展開全部)   Zama, an officer of the Spanish Crown born in South America, waits for a letter from the King granting him transfer to a better location. His situation is delicate. He must ensure that nothing overshadows his transfer. He is forced to accept submissively every task entrusted to him by successive Governors who come and go as he stays. Of course, the letter from the King never arrives, and when Zama notices that he has lost everything waiting, he decides to join a party of soldiers that go after a dangerous bandit. Perhaps that way he can get the King to hear about him. Zama leaves to distant lands inhabited by wild Indians, but the bandit they are after turns out to be>扎馬的影人 ( 全部 9 )
  • 盧奎西亞馬特爾 導演
  • 丹尼爾希梅內斯卡喬
  • 洛拉杜埃尼亞斯
  • 馬修斯納克加勒
  • 馬麗雅娜努涅斯
  • Juan Minujín
扎馬的圖片 ( 全部6|添加圖片 )


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