
魔獸世界:戰爭使者 World Of Warcraft: Warbringers:暂无 (您可以嘗試在下方寫下對應集數的評論!)

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《魔獸世界:戰爭使者 World Of Warcraft: Warbringers暂无》劇情介紹:

魔獸世界:戰爭使者的劇情簡介   Warbringers - Jaina
  Jaina Proudmoore has made many difficult decisions, but no choice weighs more heavily upon her than the decision to step aside when her father fought the Horde years ago. She believed then that he was consumed by irrational hatred. But now . . . she wonders if she should have listened. A new war between the Alliance and the Horde rages across Azeroth. This t... (展開全部)   Warbringers - Jaina
  Jaina Proudmoore has made many difficult decisions, but no choice weighs more heavily upon her than the decision to step aside when her father fought the Horde years ago. She believed then that he was consumed by irrational hatred. But now . . . she wonders if she should have listened. A new war between the Alliance and the Horde rages across Azeroth. This time, Jaina will not stand aside.
  Warbringers - Sylvanas
  Sylvanas Windrunner, warchief of the Horde, leads her forces to victory against the night elves of Darnassus and moves to conquer their home: the World Tree, Teldrassil. But a chance encounter with a dying young Sentinel who questions her motives and tells her that she cannot win the war she is truly fighting—a war>魔獸世界:戰爭使者的演職員 ( 全部 4 )
  • 勞拉波斯特 配音
  • 達林德保羅 配音
  • 勞拉貝莉 演員
  • Robert Brooks 編劇
魔獸世界:戰爭使者的圖片 ( 添加視頻評論|圖片4添加 ) 發起新的討論 討論區 ( 全部 ) 最新 熱門 1集 2集 3集 (還沒有討論, 來做第一個 ) (還沒有討論, 來做第一個 )






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