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《不可能的愛 Un amour impossible暂无》劇情介紹:

不可能的愛的劇情簡介   At the end of the years 50 in Chateauroux, Rachel, modest employee of office, meeting Philippe, brilliant young man, born to a bourgeois family. Of this connection passionate but brief will be born a small daughter, Chantal. Philippe refuses to marry outside of his social class. Rachel will have to raise his daughter alone. Regardless, for it Chantal is her great happiness, it ... (展開全部)   At the end of the years 50 in Chateauroux, Rachel, modest employee of office, meeting Philippe, brilliant young man, born to a bourgeois family. Of this connection passionate but brief will be born a small daughter, Chantal. Philippe refuses to marry outside of his social class. Rachel will have to raise his daughter alone. Regardless, for it Chantal is her great happiness, it is why she fights for that to default of the raise, Philippe gives her his name.A battle of more than ten years which will eventually break his life and the lives of his daughter. 不可能的愛的演職員 ( 全部 4 )
  • 卡特琳科西尼 導演
  • 維爾日妮埃菲拉 演員
  • 尼爾斯施內德 演員
  • Jeanne Lapoirie 攝影
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