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監禁時間:HD高清 (您可以嘗試在下方寫下對應集數的評論!)

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Your body will remember me!A man and a woman"s fatal love that starts with confinement.A street hooker named Hyeon-ah (Jeon Yoo-jin) is locked up topless in the pension of a man named Jeong-ho (Heo Dong-won) who saved her from her pimp"s abuse and beatings. She was locked up for no reason and every time she struggles against him, he hits her. A couple visiting the pension find Hyeon-ah and the man who wanted to rape her is killed by Jeong-ho. Hyeon-ah tries to run away from him but realizes she has nowhere to go.Jeong-ho confines and obsesses over Hyeon-ah because he loves her. Hyeon-ah starts to open up to him and when she sees him with another woman she feels jealous and what they believed was true love turns out to be a bloody war...


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