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奇客和衝的動畫大電影一部無厘頭的搞笑動畫片, 一段段不靠譜的搞笑故事,一個個誇張的表情和動作你不是幻覺(但他們)...這是傳說中的toker切奇創王牌,因為你從來沒有見過他們- 他們的第一部動畫電影。最離譜的例程和大聲笑出來的線條從他們的格萊美獲獎專輯來的生活,包括“戴夫是不是在這裡,”讓我們的摻雜大量“和趕上的嗡嗡聲。芽喜歡身體蟹叫巴斯特,切奇創,借助“戒掉"字”的主人提供極致的喜劇,給你更多的零食。一起看你所有的味蕾!You"re not hallucinating (but they are)... It"s the legendary toker jokers Cheech & Chong as you"ve never seen them before -- in their very first Animated Movie. Catch the buzz as their most outrageous routines and laugh-out-loud lines from their Grammy Award-winning albums come to life, including "Dave"s not here," "Let"s make a dope deal" and more. With help from a bud-lovin" body crab named Buster, Cheech & Chong "the masters of smokin" word" deliver the ultimate comedy high and give you the munchies for more. Watch It With All Your Buds!


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