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Anthony Bell
北極移民劇情介紹 《北極移民》又名《北極熊諾姆》,該片..《北極移民》版權問題,現已刪除清理所有內容的播放,爲此帶來的不便,敬請諒解!




北極移民劇情介紹 《北極移民》又名《北極熊諾姆》,該片被定為家庭類型的動畫影片,由斯蒂文·奧迪爾和丹尼爾·奧迪爾聯合編劇,由師門電影公司和印度的克斯特動畫公司聯合拍攝,并將采用立體3D拍攝,該項技術曾在《阿凡達》中被采用過。
當漫天覆蓋的冰雪即將融化,當曾經賴以為生的家鄉即將變作地獄一般的存在,幾只大小動物終于不得不向著其他地方遷徙,找尋新的住所。就這樣,它們在北極熊的帶領下,來到了繁華的紐約,并被一家公司聘用為該公司的吉祥物而四處表演。然而,一次意外,動物們終于發現它們自己的雇主其實就是北極冰融化的罪魁禍首。為此,它們決意要奮起…… 北極移民主題曲
    Shake It Off - Taylor Swift(北極移民插曲) 【查看歌詞】  點擊試聽

     Shake it Off

    演唱:Taylor Swift
    I stay out too late
    Got nothing in my brain.
    That's what people say!
    That's what people say!
    I go on too many dates.
    But I can't make 'em stay.
    At least that's what people say
    That's what people say
    But I keep cruisin'
    Can't stop, won't stop movin'
    It's like I've got this music in my mind
    Sayin' it's gonna be alright.
    Cause the players gonna play play play play play
    And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake
    Shake it off!
    Shake it off!
    Heartbreakers gonna break break break break break
    And the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake Baby,
    I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake
    Shake it off!
    Shake it off!
    I never miss a beat
    I'm lightning on my feet!
    And that's what they don't see
    That's what they don't see
    I'm dancin' on my own
    I'll make the moves up as I go
    And that's what they don't know
    That's what they don't know
    But I keep cruisin'
    Can't stop, won't stop groovin'
    It's like I've got this music in my mind,
    Sayin' it's gonna be alright.
    Cause the players gonna play play play play play
    And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake
    Shake it off!
    Shake it off!
    Heartbreakers gonna break break break break break
    And the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake Baby,
    I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake
    Shake it off!
    Shake it off!
    Shake it off!
    I shake it off!
    I-I-I shake it off!
    I shake it off!
    I-I-I shake it off!
    I shake it off!
    I-I-I shake it off!
    I shake it off!
    Hey hey hey. Just think,
    While you've been getting down and out
    About the liars and the dirty dirty cheats of the world
    You could've been getting down to This. Sick. Beat
    My ex man brought his new girlfriend
    She's like “oh my god”
    But I'm just gonna shake.
    And to the fella over there
    With the hella good hair
    Won't you come over baby
    We can shake, shake, shake.
    Cause the players gonna play play play play play
    And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate
    Baby, I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake
    Shake it off!
    Shake it off!
    Heartbreakers gonna break break break break break
    And the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake Baby,
    I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake
    Shake it off!
    Shake it off!
    Shake it off!
    I shake it off!
    I-I-I shake it off!
    I shake it off!
    I-I-I shake it off!
    I shake it off!
    I-I-I shake it off!
    I shake it off!
    Shake it off!
    I shake it off!
    I-I-I shake it off!
    I shake it off!
    (You've got to)
    I shake it off!
    I-I-I shake it off!
    I shake it off!
      北極移民海報 北極移民海報 ...



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